M Squared Consulting

The Leadin' pet industry consultants

Unique expertise that's so darn trusted

Well, alright, folks, when it comes to the world of pets, you better believe we're talkin' about the leading pet industry consultants here. These folks, they ain't just your average cat and dog lovers. No, no, no. They're the real deal, the experts who know the ins and outs of everything from pet food to pet fashion. They've got their fingers on the pulse of the latest pet trends, and they're here to guide you through the wild world of furry friends and feathered companions. So, if you're lookin' to navigate the pet industry, you better hitch your wagon to these consultants, 'cause they're the ones who'll lead you to success. Alright, alright, alright!

Why You need to work with M Squared

1. Our team is like a well-seasoned cast of characters in a Texas-sized epic. These folks, they ain't just your average experts – no, sir. They've been around the block, and then some. They've got a deep understanding of the pet industry that's as vast as the Lone Star State itself.You see, our team is a diverse bunch, and their skillsets are like a rich tapestry, coverin' every nook and cranny of the pet business

2. Tailored Solutions: Well, folks, let me lay it out for you plain and simple. We're not about that one-size-fits-all nonsense. No siree. When you work with us, you're getting a bespoke experience, tailor-made just for you and your unique needs and objectives.You see, we don't believe in crammin' a square peg into a round hole. Nah, we're more like a skilled tailor, craftin' a finely-tailored suit that fits you like a glove

3. Proven Track Record: We've helped businesses not just survive, but thrive in this here industry. Our results? They're like a song that sings itself. You don't have to take my word for it; just look at what we've done.So, if you're curious to see how we've turned dreams into reality, just mosey on over and take a gander at our success stories.

4. Innovation and Creativity: Now, listen up, y'all, 'cause we're not just sittin' on our laurels here. We're like a lighthouse in the fog, always illuminatin' the path forward. You see, we make it our business to stay ahead of those industry trends. We're not playin' catch-up; we're setting the pace.

Let's Talk

Unleash your potential

M-Squared will tailor a solution for you:

Investor support

These folks don't just crunch numbers; they dive deep into the heart of the matter. They're like those old Texas cowboys who can read the land, know when a storm's brewin', and understand the lay of the land like the back of their hand.So, when you're in need of folks who don't just talk the talk but walk the walk, who can decipher those numbers and tell you what others might shy away from, well, partner, you've found 'em.

business support

Whether you're just gettin' your boots wet in the industry or you're already a seasoned trailblazer, M-Squared has led some mighty successful projects across the board.They've taken startups and turned 'em into industry leaders, like a wildcatter strikin' oil in Texas. They've got a track record that's as long as the Texas horizon, and they're not done yet.

Industry analysis

You see, they've got access to industry data that's as precious as gold, and they know how to make sense of it all. They're like the wise old owls of the pet world, hootin' and hollerin' to tell you what truly matters.They don't just give you the facts and figures; they give you the keys to success in the pet industry. They're like that trusted friend who knows all the best fishing spots and is always willing to share their secrets.

A Tailored approach for massive results

Well, partner, if you're lookin' for proof in the pudding, look no further

Private equity support

Well, well, well, folks, it's time to take a peek behind the curtain and see what's cookin' in our private equity case studies

Learn more

supply chain optimisation

We got fly with supply. Pretty cool, man. Pretty, pretty cool.
Check it out. Would be cool if you did.

Learn more

Meet the team

Paul Miley

10 Minutes with Paul
Everything you need to know about Paul's business acumen and delivery here, but to get to know him, we asked Paul the Questions from Inside the Actor's Studio, a set of questions first used by Bernard Pivot in France, popularised by James Lipton and the brilliant answers given by Hollywood actors. If you've not got 30' to spare, do not search it on YouTube. But read Paul and Matt's answers, then get back to work. That's fair. Let's hear from Paul:

1. What Is your favourite word?
Heft - makes me smile every time I can use it

2. What is your least favourite word?
   Nice - lacks imagination

3. What turns you on, creatively, spritiually or emotionally?
A moment of total physical and mental engagement - riding a 'bike the wrong side of 130mph on the Mountain section of the Isle of Man TT course would do it

 4. What turns you off?

 5.  What is your favourite curse word?
Feck - the Irish use it with beautiful abandonment

 6. What sound or noise do you love?
Morning woodland, ideally with a light shower of rain

 7.  What sound or noise do you hate?
The quietest little snap as a bolt lets go 'cause it's been over tightened; preceding the hours of engineering distress and self-criticism for not using the torque wrench

 8.  What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
Park ranger, mountain guide, search and rescue

 9. What profession other than your own would you not like to attempt?
Opera singer

 10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Peraly Gates?

Matt Miley

11' with Matt
Matt's a little different, so his approach to this task is rather indicitative. It's also why you want him on your projects.

"So I have an overly inqusitive disposition, and found it all too simple for a TV show to come up with such an insightful, punchy list of questions, able to reveal such deep inner truths. So I went down the necessary internet rabbit-holes to find out that there was much more to this.

The questions that Lipton cites are not the Proust Questions. And the questions Proust answered are actually in a girl's parlour-game book... Twice. And the contents theirin contain none of the actual questions we know.

Wait, what? Proust? Marcel Proust?

The list of 10 questions Paul answered were popularised by Inside the Actor's Studio Host, James Lipton. Lipton always gives credit for this list to French talk show host Bernard Pivot; he often mentions that the list originally came from French novelist Marcel Proust (1871–1922).

Proust did not actually create the questionnaire that frequently has his name attached, though he did famously answer two versions of it (once at age 13, and a second time at age 20), and thereby gave the lists a certain notoriety.

The lists started as a parlor game, and their original author is unknown. As it turns out, Lipton’s list differs in three questions from Pivot’s, and neither Lipton’s list nor Pivot’s has a single question in common with either of Proust’s! If you want the full four lists (roughly translated from french in some cases, let me know, it's a great ice-breaker.)

So, in the spirit of lookng at things a little differently, i've chosen to answer the Proust list, with a smattering of Pivot's flair."

1. What is your favorite drug?
Blimmin' eck, Pivot, I can see why Lipton swerved that one. I'll take adrenalin. Fast skiing and fast motorbikes all day, please.

2. Who would you like to see on a new banknote?
Wall-E. A fake robot is what humanity has needed to pay more attention of for some time. Weird.

3. If you were reincarnated as some other plant or animal, what would it be?
If we are playing the long-game, you be hard pushed to look past dolphin, shark or bird of prey. Just for the sheer enjoyment of flying, I'll go falcon.

Marcel Proust’s Questionnaires ( the highlights, you haven't got all day)
At age 13:

1. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
Heathrow Airport Arrivals

2. Where would you like to live?
I live on the Bodensee, and spend my winters teaching and ski guiding in Lech, Austria. So i'm fortunate to say i live exactly where i'd like

3. What quality do you most admire in a man?
Being truly humble as a master in a given practice

4. What quality do you most admire in a woman?
Seeing bad-ass women on skis taking the boys down a peg. Happy to say my better half does this professionally, with a big, innocent smile across her face.

5. Who would you have liked to be?
At age 15, I was presented an opportunity to train to become a professional showjumper. What might've been...

At age 20:

6. What do you value most in your friends?
Considered listening, then telling you what you need to hear, not what you want.

7. Who are your heroes in real life?
Shane McConkey - famous for being one of the pioneers of freeskiing/off-piste skis, but Shane is my hero because of his attitude to life. Never took himself too seriously, and tried to make people laugh at all times. RIP, Shane.

8. What natural gift would you most like to possess?
It would be ridiculously cool to have ultra-marathon cardio... And a full bill of health in all of my joints and ligaments to enjoy running up and down mountains. Come to think of it, I'll take an injury full-reset and crack on, I'd settle for that!

9. How would you like to die?
The official answer is old age, after my better half (it would be selfish to go first, apparently). Other options I am ok with are ski and motorbike based, where seconds before I was at my absolute happiest. Even the 'oh feck' moment is oddly enjoyable. I'll take old age in my sleep though, thanks.

10. What is your motto?
The mass of men lead lives of silent desperation.


Well, isn't that just a heartwarming slice of life, my friends? Paul and Matt, they've got a regular Noah's Ark of animals goin' on, and it sounds like they've got their paws in all things pet-related.From giant pedigrees to those scrappy street dogs, they've got a little bit of everything in their furry family.

And it doesn't stop there. Matt's strappin' on his boots and learning to be an animal behaviorist, diving deep into the minds of our four-legged friends. And let's not forget about Paul's wife, who's bringin' some pet therapy goodness into the world.

Yep, these folks ain't just talkin' the talk; they're walkin' the walk when it comes to their love for pets. It's clear as a Texas sky that they genuinely care about our furry companions, and that's a beautiful thing, my friends. Alright, alright, alright!